Wednesday 24 August 2016

How To Entertain Children When you are Babysitting

Sometimes, it can feel like it's virtually impossible to entertain kids, even if you're the most seasoned babysitter. You may feel like you've tried everything, but the kids are still complaining, crying, or just bored out of their minds. When the kids start to get fussy or antsy, ask them if they want to do something. You could suggest that they color in, do a project, play a game, make a craft, etc. They say yes and it's time to put your entertaining skills into overdrive!
1) Play with the children. 
Take out the thing they want to do. If you are doing a project or coloring and you have messy toddlers, let them help put down newspaper or a plastic mat to protect floors and tables. Have fun and they will be able to tell and enjoy the babysitting time more and will give glowing reports about your engagement with them
2) Be patient:
Be patient with the children if they start getting bored or miserable, show them the things they have brought and encourage them to play. If they don't want to do something in particular, find something else for them to do!Ask the kids what they want to do. Give them options and let them choose and they will be a lot happier. They may have different opinions on what is fun and what's not than you do.
3) Make a fun bag
In the fun bag you could have candy (if they are allowed), movies (check with parents first as they may only allow their kids to watch a certain age rating), coloring pages, stickers, books, games, and crafts, as well as various things for you when the kids go to sleep. Consider the age of the children you are babysitting, as very young children will appreciate different things from older children.
4) Play fun, age appropriate games. Older children about age 10 may enjoy board games or things that are not as energetic as the games that younger kids may like. Don't do anything that is too old for the kids because you want parents to want you to come back.When playing with the kids, be sure to not be rough with them, especially when you have a younger age group. This may turn them off and somebody could get hurt.Musical chairs is a fun game appropriate for all ages. Just make sure the chairs are small enough for the kids.Also try a game called "Sardines" or otherwise just like opposite hide and seek. One child hides while everyone else counts. Once the seekers have counted to 10 or whatever number you decided on, split up and look for the hider. If a seeker finds the hider, they hide with them. Then the next person who finds the two people hides with them and so on, until the last person who finds the group wins.
5) Fun Crafting:
a) Make a bracelet or necklace. Measure the child's neck or wrist. Measure out the string and tape the end of the string to a paper plate. Start beading. When you are finished, remove the string and tie the two ends together.
b) Make or buy play-dough. If you have a recipe that doesn't involve cooking on the stove, you can have the kids help make it. If you don't have the materials needed for play-dough, you can make something called Oobleck with simply water and cornstarch. This is especially good because it doesn't involve dangerous, hot ovens or sharp objects. Do this outside of course, as it is extremely messy, but that's the fun of it.
6) Fun In the Kitchen:
Do some basic cooking or food preparation. Kids often love to do things for themselves, especially if it means a snack. Let them pour or stir their own drinks, make their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or help you make cookies. This helps pass the time while teaching them skills, and they will feel more involved and grown up instead of you taking over everything. Many things that adults think of as drudgery is fun for young children. Find ways to let them help you and make them feel important. Thank them for helping.
7) Fun Outdoors:
Take the kids outside. Hide and Seek and Tag are always options! Ride bikes, go to the park, walk the dog, anything outdoors will run their energy out! Make sure to be very careful because the outdoors also has many hazards. Put bug-spray and sunblock on them, and dress them for appropriate weather. Make sure that they don't have any allergies though, whether it's to the sun tan lotion and bug-spray or and allergy to bees or other outdoor things.
8) Fun Indoors: 
a) Read together.
 Some kids enjoy reading, while others don't. Find a good book or ask the kids what they want you to read to them. Download some nice background music on your iPod. A good website to get this music from is Play the music in the background while reading. This will also work for acting out something or for putting on a talent show. Adding background music will really set the mood!
b) Teach the kids a song.
 Old MacDonald had a farm, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Happy Birthday or the ABC song are good. Bring along a kiddie music CD or download some kid music onto your iPod, and play it. Kids love dancing, singing, and music.
c) Pick a movie:
Pick a movie  appropriate for the age group you're babysitting. Pop some popcorn and put the popcorn in individual bowls for each child (if they are young). Give each child a ticket awhile before the movie. Be the ticket-taker at the door to the room, and give each child a bowl of popcorn. Then turn off the lights and start the movie. 
d) Make a tent
. Use chairs and big blankets. Fill the inside with pillows and blankets. After it's made, you can tell (or read!) stories. If it's possible, make it over a TV, so the TV is inside, and you have a movie theater! If the children are 4 or older (and less likely to make a mess), pop some popcorn to get the great movie atmosphere!
9)Dealing with Challenges
a)  If a child feels unwell, and the parents aren't available, consider the situation. Do they have a slight tummy ache or are they bleeding? If they are bleeding or anything as bad, take them to A&E, whereas, if they have a slight tummy ache, tuck them into bed and read them stories, or draw with them.
b) Deal with naughtiness with care and consideration. Treat the kids with respect. Expect good behavior and ignore minor misbehavior, which ought to be enough to make it stop. Keep the kids entertained by offering reward for good behavior and help. Make them feel good by rewarding, but not too much. Use time out as a last resort, only if the children are really misbehaving. It can be useful if they are being a danger to themselves or someone else. However, it is normally to be avoided because that is what they will remember the most from your visit and might be reluctant in wanting you to return.
10) Aim to make ensuring the kids have a good time your ultimate goal. That way, you'll get a great review and you'll be asked back.Clean up most of the house after the kids have gone to bed. The parents will really appreciate it. But don't reorganize things a different way, or change something completely. This might make the parents confused or mad if they can't find something.


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